Let’s start with the true meaning of Tantra
Tantra is about connecting to your inner energy and establishing a sacred relationship within you. It is actually about understanding yourself. The divine practice of Tantra allows you to use your hidden energy and experience the ultimate enlightenment.
Tantra lets you accept yourself with its spiritual practice. With Tantra, one can gain great confidence and satisfaction.
As we all know, yoga means to connect. Simply, Tantra Yoga means to bind yourself to the divine nature of life. Tantra needs to practice breathing, meditation, physical practice and at last, let you immersed into the infinity.
Myths vs Facts about Tantra
Let’s clear most common misconceptions regarding Tantra Yoga. While listening to the word "Tantra", many portraits its image as a sexual pleasure, which is certainly not true.
Tantra originated from Shiv-Shakti ("Lord Shiva", symbolizes the masculine power and "Shakti", symbolises the feminine power in Hindu Tradition"). They both combined their spiritual and cosmic energy to attain great enlightenment. People misinterpreted it as forming of the sexual bond. One has Shiva & Shakti energy within oneself. Shiva or masculine energy is at the crown chakra, i.e., top of our heads and Shakti or feminine energy is at the root chakra, i.e., the base of our spines. With Tantra, we have to merge both of these energies.
Facts About Tantra Yoga
- Tantra is not a sexual practice
- Tantra is a not a Black Magic
At tantrafestivalrishikesh.com (Tantra Festival/ Worskshop / Teachers Training / Tantra Events ) we strictly follow the ethical rules and guideline of Tantra Yoga Scripture. Our terms and conditions are made to enhance the quality of mind and propagate it towards naturally imbibing the discipline and system of the Tantra Yoga among participants.
Rules regulation for the participants
- Alcohol, tobacco, smoking and other illicit drugs are not allowed during the course/event/festival/workshop/ training at the premises.
- Sexual misconduct, any illicit physical relationship will comes as strict disciplinary action and immediate termination of participation of Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training.
- During the Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/ training, a vegetarian diet is to be followed to experience the holistic and Ayurvedic lifestyle. Outside food is not allowed.
- Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/ training participants must understand the results of the training program cannot be guaranteed and your progress depends on your efforts during, in and outside the class. Individual results may vary from person to person.
- Friends or relatives are not allowed to stay with Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training participants without prior permission from the management.
- Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training participants are requested to be punctual with timetable
- Our payments are pre contracted. In any circumstance, the fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable, unless the Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training is cancelled by us.
- During Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training, mobile phones, cameras, and recording equipment are strictly forbidden.
- You are earnestly requested to kindly respect the ethical value, guideline of Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training .
- The management reserves the right to terminate/ expel any Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training participants who do not abide by the above rules, are disruptive or abusive to management or any employe, teachers or other participents. (which may include, by way of example, violence, excessive use of bad language, threatening behavior or inappropriate sexual activities). In the event of a Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training, participants being expelled due to a breach of the rules, no refund of fees shall be given.
- Any and all disputes arising from or related to international transaction will be governed by the Indian jurisdiction and settled in a competent court in India.
Please ensure you read and understand the above terms and conditions which are to be followed by all Tantra course/event/festival/workshop/training participants and acts as a contract once the deposit paid.